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Chasing Lyrical Natural Sciences: Katrina McHugh

Last year, I dived head-first into quite a challenge. I vowed to tell a story through a photograph for 100 days straight. It was a tough, fun and quite frankly a liberating thing to do – you should all try it some day. And as I already said back then, the aspect that makes the #100dayproject so special is the communal spirit that ensued, learning about the daily struggles and inspirations of thousands of other participants, and eventually, finding out about the many supercool projects out there that otherwise might not’ve seen the light of day.

#100daysoflyricalnaturalsciences was a quick favourite of mine. San Francisco-based graphic designer Katrina McHugh set out to create beautiful diagrams and infographics out of song lyrics that are rooted in the natural world:

‘I was and am interested in how often people rely on references to nature when attempting to bring shape to the intangible complexities involved in this “being alive” business. It’s no easy task to communicate our human experience so if a nature metaphor gets you a bit closer to whatever the hell you’re really trying to say … then go for it, you know? I am especially delighted when those references and metaphors make absolutely NO sense in the real physical world though.’

There were classics by Iggy Pop, Fleetwood Mac, Paul Simon, but also newer tunes crafted by Frank Ocean, Weezer or Cat Power. And then there was no new post the next day. Or the day after. Katrina decided to take it slow, enjoyed some breaks, let life take over, making sure to keep her creations fresh and creative. So instead of 100 days later, it was only last week that saw her final artwork drop some 525 days after starting her journey. And while I want to say ‘Well done. Yes, you did it!’, it’s more of a ‘No, don’t stop. Where’s #101?’-question that’s lingering in my head.

It’s really really hard to pick even a few, but have a look at some of my faves – either cause I love the song so much, the lyrics are just special to me or the design composition is really striking (which it usually is, if I think it through!).

P.S.: Katrina is selling prints of her work here for a limited time. I got 19/100 for my girl by the way. Seemed fitting…


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